Trying to take my own advice. Please read below to find out what that is. Blue Dress No 3, 17”x 14”, pencil and water soluble drawing tools on Dura-Lar. © 2019 David Limrite
“Sometimes they just get realized, finished. Other times they just turn over completely. I look at them and say, ‘My God, … what was the bind, why was I so torn up, and stopped, and blocked?’ And I can just see that (sometimes) the technique is blasting powder rather than steady struggle.”
Richard Diebenkorn, Artist
Always Be Asking
Always be asking yourself:
Is there a way to make my work (paintings, drawings, sculpture, photographs, etc.) even more effective, more meaningful, more true, more beautiful, more interesting, more powerful, more sensitive, more dynamic, more expressive, more emotional, (or more whatever it is for you)?
This is a great way to advance your art, learn more about your creativity, and reflect on what is important to you.
The more you learn about your creativity, the more art you will make. The more stuff you make, the more chances you give yourself to experience success. The more success you have, the more confidence you will build. And then, you will begin to challenge yourself more. The more you push yourself, the more risks you will take, the better you will get at your craft, and the more fun you will have.
The more you create and the more risks you take, the less pressure you will put on yourself to have each piece you make be amazing or spectacular. This will, in turn, allow you to have more fun, as well.
Always be asking, questioning, learning and creating.