Blue Dress No 2, 17”x14” pencil and water soluble drawing tools on Dura-Lar, © 2020 David Limrite
“When you buy something from an artist, you’re buying more than an object. You’re buying hundreds of hours of errors and experimentation. You’re buying years of frustration and moments of pure joy. You’re not buying just one thing. You are buying a piece of a heart, a piece of a soul… a small piece of someone else’s life..”
Rebekah Joy Plett, Artist
I have begun to think of my art practice as a series of evolutions. By this I mean that both me (as an artist) and the things I create, evolve over time. And that I must give myself (and my art) the time and patience they deserve in order to evolve.
I must resist the temptation to be impatient and instead allow for gradual development. I must commit to trying things, assessing, and then trying again. And, more importantly, I must use this unfolding growth as an opportunity to learn.
Although patience is very important for gradual advancement, intention (on the part of the artist) perhaps plays an even bigger roll. When my intention to create something tangible, from an idea that I have, nothing can stop me. And, the more patience I will then have to see my idea through to reality.
Thinking of my art practice as a series of evolutions slows me down, makes me more aware, allows me to learn more effectively and keeps impatience at bay.