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Weekly Blog on creativity and what it takes to be an artist by David Limrite (artist, teacher, mentor & coach)


Blog 2:9:20 Copyright 2020 David Limrite Artist Teacher Coach Mentor Be A Rebel.jpg

Continuing to work on my “Blue Moments” series. There will be 20 pieces in all when it is finished. Really having fun exploring all the variations of one color. Texture and line are also an important component of these pieces, as well as, mood and emotion. 11”x 8”, pencil, acrylic and collage on wood. © 2020 David Limrite

“Every so often a painter has to destroy painting. Cezanne did it. Picasso did it with cubism, then Pollock did it. He busted our idea of a picture all to hell.”

Willem de Kooning, Artist (Abstract Expressionism)

Be A Rebel

Take your art just a little bit further than you think you can. Or, a lot. Surprise yourself. Surprise us! Push your work a bit over the edge. Or, push it completely off the cliff! Shock yourself. Shock us! Use a way stronger red than you are used to using. Delight yourself.

Be a rebel.

Don’t listen to those conservative voices in your head that tell you to slow down, take it easy, or play it safe. Push past those self-doubts that question whether you should paint on a really large surface, use that big of a brush, or be that bold with the way you apply paint.

Be a rebel.

Don’t pay any attention to the scared, timid or hesitant side of you. The one that suggests that you can never be “that” kind of artist. Or paint “that” kind of subject matter. Or be “that” political or “that” controversial with your art.

Be a rebel.

Out of rebellion a creative act is born.



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