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Weekly Blog on creativity and what it takes to be an artist by David Limrite (artist, teacher, mentor & coach)


I thought y’all might like to see a photo of my studio. Just for fun. I have lots going on in there right now and I will for sure keep you posted all along the way.  © 2021 David Limrite

“The mysterious flow of creativity can be primed like a pump by physically (and emotionally) planting yourself in the physical space where you want that energy to flow.”
Twyla Tharp, Dancer/Choreographer

Make A Decision

I am working pretty hard in the studio right now. I am creating new work for an exhibit early next year. I am trying some new concepts, ideas and themes. I am also exploring color a bit more, as well as some style shifts. It’s not that much color, so don’t get too excited. {Smile}. However, I will tell you, there is a lot more pink happening than I ever thought there would be.

These new explorations are requiring lots of risk taking and lots of courage. Because of this, I am experiencing some wild and far reaching emotional shifts. Which I love. Emotional shifts are, after all, what my work is all about. So… I am very enthusiastic about what I am attempting to create. I am learning so much about art making, and about me as an artist.

So… here is the other thing that is happening. Working the way I am working, and trying the things that I am trying, demand that I make a ton of decisions during every painting session. It is amazing how many decisions are made in just a two hour stint at the easel. As we all know, just for starters, every line and brush stroke is a decision that must be made. Right?

When I just go ahead and make decisions, I get into the flow of the work. I gain, build and maintain precious momentum. And, I get a lot of work done. If I just trust myself and my decision making abilities, my productivity soars. I am sure this happens to you too.

However, when I begin to doubt myself and, thereby lose the confidence to make decisions, my productivity comes to a screeching halt, or at best, slows to a snails pace. And, as a result, I am not as inspired, motivated and creative. And, the work is not nearly as good. Not even close.

More specifically, I get myself in the deepest trouble when I feel as if I have to make the right decision. When I feel this way, I usually end up making a bad decision, and the painting gets worse instead of better.

My point here is that making decisions, whether they are right or wrong, good or bad, are better than not making any decisions at all. If I don’t make the decisions I need to make, I stall out, get stuck, lose momentum, and then the work goes nowhere. Not good.

Decision making propels you and your art forward. And, helps build momentum.

So… paint hard and make decisions confidently. And, then keep painting.

The more decisions you make, the easier it becomes to make them.



From the Create Anyway Collective:

I don't know how you created such a successful program that met everyone's needs! You are a PERFECT TEAM! I intend to replay every episode as you covered so many ideas and information. It was interesting how many things were presented that hit a chord for me. I feel like I have more tools now to help me with my ongoing journey. Most of all, you each have a kind and sensitive way of communicating and reaching us all!

~ Kathy Spencer-Canepa, California

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