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Weekly Blog on creativity and what it takes to be an artist by David Limrite (artist, teacher, mentor & coach)



Experimenting with paint and collage only. No drawing. Line is my lifeline, so this kind of work puts me out on a limb. But I am enjoying pushing myself. This is the finished piece from last weeks “work in progress” photo. Two more in the works. “Untitled For Now”, 10”x 8”, acrylic and collage on wood. © 2020 David Limrite

“For the moment it is looking rather good, but I am afraid I’ll spoil it. But one must not be afraid of that either, otherwise one never succeeds.”

Vincent Van Gogh, Artist

How Alive Are You Willing To Be?

You have your art.

You have the desire to be creative.

You have something to pour yourself into. (An idea, a subject matter and your favorite materials and techniques.)

Are you up for it?

I have three projects going on right now and one project that I am researching and sketching ideas for. It is not because of “luck” that I have these projects to work on. It is because of hard work, passion, commitment and love of process. These projects exist as a result of me making choices. Especially the choice to allow them into my life.

These projects feed my soul. If I let them.

These projects are so satisfying (and gratifying) to work on. If I let them be.

These projects awaken my spirit. If I let them.

These projects give me a reason to engage in the process of creating. If I let them.

The benefits of being creative are endless. It is up to each one of us as to how many of these benefits we want to allow into our lives.

How curious am I going to be today?

How playful?

How bold?

How risky?

How engaged will I be today?

How focused?

How open will I be to whatever?

How fearless?

And, the most important question of all is, “How alive am I willing to be today”?

The choice is ours.



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