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Weekly Blog on creativity and what it takes to be an artist by David Limrite (artist, teacher, mentor & coach)


David Limrite-Artist, Coach, Mentor, Teacher

Three "Little Heart Paintings" in progress, 10"x 8" each, acrylic on canvas. Copyright 2014 David Limrite

"In art, intentions are not sufficient… What one does is what counts and not what one has intentions of doing."~ Pablo Picasso

I am struggling with the "Little Heart Paintings." For awhile there I was humming right along. I was creating these little paintings and having fun. Then, one day, they all started to look the same. I became bored. I had become conservative, precious and timid with them. For no apparent reason. These things happen. I lost my inspiration.

It was at this time that my instincts told me to leave this project for awhile and revisit my large sketchbook that I had started over two years ago. Thank goodness I had this project to fall back on. (Lesson Alert: Maybe it's a good idea to have more than one project in the works in case you get derailed by one of them).

I became reinvigorated by the large sketchbook. So, now that the sketchbook is nearing completion, I am actually excited to get back to the hearts. I decided to pull out the above three unfinished paintings, take a leap of faith and begin to aggressively paint back into them. Not really knowing what I was going to do to them. (Truth be told, my instincts were telling me to mess them up on purpose in the hopes of bringing them back to life (a technique I often use with work I am having trouble with).

So, there they are above, at various stages of being worked on. At this point, I don't know what is going to happen to them, however, my interest and excitement for working on them has been revitalized.

Do the best that you can and then trust your instincts to get you out of trouble.

