Untitled Mystery Figure No 2, 16”x 12”, pencil, acrylic and collage on wood © 2020 David Limrite
“It is better to paint a good, unfinished painting than finish a bad one. A painting must be done with a sense of purpose and feeling. A painting must not be false or unfelt.”
Edvard Munch, Artist
Momentum Goes Both Ways
I know that I talk a lot about momentum, but I am a big believer in the power of it.
All I know is that it works really well for me. The more often I paint, the better artist I am, my productivity increases and the better my paintings become.
And, my teaching is better, my writing is more thoughtful and my ideas are more intriguing.
The more I paint, the more I paint.
However, momentum goes both ways.
When I don’t paint for awhile, it actually gets easier to not paint at all.
Create often, build the positive kind of momentum and reap the rewards that come with it.