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Weekly Blog on creativity and what it takes to be an artist by David Limrite (artist, teacher, mentor & coach)


Copyright 2017 David Limrite Artist Teacher Coach Mentor Blog April 16 Brave Brushstrokes.jpeg

Tried to approach this piece with nothing but brave brushstrokes. Acrylic, Charcoal and collage on wood, 11”x 8”, ©2017 David Limrite

“The work in progress is the inspiration, with the application of each new brushstroke.”
Robert Motherwell, Artist

Brave Brushstrokes

I noticed something during some of my recent painting sessions that I would like to share with you.

My brave brushstrokes are much more interesting and dynamic than my timid brushstrokes. I have started to pay more attention to the quality of each brushstroke that I make. And I can totally see the difference in my work.

My timid brushstrokes just sit there. They may describe something but they definitely do not say anything. They do not contribute to the emotional energy that I am trying to convey in my current work.

My brave brushstrokes, however, are full of life, energy and emotion. My life, energy and emotion. My brave brushstrokes contribute mightily to the overall quality of the painting. Brave brushstrokes are a lot more fun to make. And, with each brave brushstroke I make, I become more empowered and confident.

Who wouldn’t want to feel more empowered and confident while painting?

Imagine a painting filled with 10,000 brave brushstrokes, as opposed to a painting containing 10,000 timid brushstrokes.

Sometimes, making brave brushstrokes requires that I pretend as if I know exactly what I am doing. Even if I don’t. Pretending like I know exactly what I am doing has gotten me over hurdles and out of slumps more often than you might imagine. I will discuss this more in a future post.

For now, find a way to summon the courage to make brave brushstrokes. It gets easier to do the more you try. You will see and enjoy incredibly positive results in your paintings from your efforts.








Here's the guide you need to help you answer the age-old question: When is a piece finished?


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