Recent sketch from my current sketchbook project, 15”x 11”, mixed media on paper, Copyright 2016 David Limrite
“The best way out is always through.”
Robert Frost
What’s Important?
As an artist, I hope your answer to this question is: “Your Creative Expression.” Your creativity should be the most important thing to you. (Next to family, of course).
I know there are lots of other really important things out there: friends, pets, money, career, travel, etc.
However, if we are really being honest with ourselves, wouldn’t we rather be in the studio creating, as opposed to doing anything else?
Most artists I know actually have a hard time admitting this. They think that wanting to be in the studio all the time causes them to appear selfish. Or, they feel guilty if they are spending too much time in the studio.
I get all that, however, artists also use appearing selfish and feeling guilty as procrastination devices or as an excuse not to go into the studio. As a result, days, weeks, months and even years can go by. Thus, preventing themselves from pursuing their creative passion.
I actually think that artists need to be a little selfish in order to be able to pursue their art. Of course artists need to balance creating with the rest of their obligations and pursuits. Life, however, does not make it easy for artists to spend time creating. And yet, if creative expression is the most important thing, then artists must give themselves the gift of time spent creating as often as they can.
And they shouldn’t feel guilty or selfish for doing so.
Los Angeles Workshops
Santa Monica, CA | 10am - 4pm
Friday, November 4
Friday, December 2
The Thursday Workshops are sold out. Hit reply to enroll in the Friday workshops and/or to Wait List for the Thursday Workshops.