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Weekly Blog on creativity and what it takes to be an artist by David Limrite (artist, teacher, mentor & coach)


My ELEVATE artists mentor program is going strong. We just had our third in-person meeting last Saturday. I am blessed to be working with an amazing group of artists.

My ELEVATE artists mentor program is going strong. We just had our third in-person meeting last Saturday. I am blessed to be working with an amazing group of artists.

All of the artists participating in ELEVATE received gift bags at meeting #3. surprise!

All of the artists participating in ELEVATE received gift bags at meeting #3. surprise!

“I find sometimes I may want to end up with subtlety, but I have to start out boldly. I think you have to exaggerate to get it across.” 
Andrew Wyeth

Explore The Unexplored

One of the hardest things for me to do is push myself and my art into areas that are unexplored.

It is so much easier to stay where I am, especially when my art is working well. When my art is not going well, it feels much safer to revert back to a technique or style that I feel comfortable with.

However, this kind of thinking does not propel my art forward. Being comfortable and feeling safe are never satisfying in the long run. The work created with this mindset always ends up looking safe, timid and uninspired.

My work looks much more interesting when I attempt to push the boundaries that I originally set for myself. When I clear my mind of expectations, focus on process, maintain a sense of spontaneity and eliminate the fear of failure, I am much more inclined to push into areas that I have not explored yet.

Unfortunately, sometimes I cannot get myself into this bold frame of mind. And when that happens, I discourage exploration which then keeps me mired in old, familiar and uninspired habits.

Maintaining a sense of playfulness, a hunger to learn and a mental attitude that allows me to feel as if I am capable of attempting anything with my art, keeps art making fun, fresh and inspiring.



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Creating your work is different than stepping back and assessing your work. Learn how to apply a discerning eye to your own work once you've put the brushes down.


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