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Weekly Blog on creativity and what it takes to be an artist by David Limrite (artist, teacher, mentor & coach)

10 Things I Love About Being An Artist

David Limrite-Artist, Coach, Mentor, Teacher

Another revamped large sketchbook drawing, 30”x 20”, mixed media on paper, ©2014 David Limrite

“I would say that I was always busy and interested in something. Interest has more meaning to me than the idea of happiness. It’s not enough to be nice in life. You’ve got to have nerve.”
~Georgia O’Keefe

Sunday Musings

I am just about finished with my large sketchbook project. I decided to go back in and rework a few of the drawings that I was less than satisfied with. You have seen a lot of these drawings in the pages of this blog over the last several months. I will be getting them on the website soon and I will be filming a video tour of the sketchbook, in its entirety, to be published on this blog at some point. Realistically, probably not until early next year. So, stay tuned…

Also, I have finally settled back into some serious art making. Feels great! And it got me thinking, “Why do I love being an artist so much?”

10 Things I Love About Being An Artist

1. Creating keeps my heart pumping

2. It’s the one area in my life where I feel like I am in complete control

3. I can take risks and make mistakes and it doesn’t affect anyone else

4. The freedom and the solitude

5. The fun and challenge of making something out of nothing

6. Being involved in an activity that promotes life-long learning

7. I learn life lessons such as patience, flexibility, courageand persistence, among others, which I can then apply to other areas of my life

8. Creating is a focused activity which provides me with an opportunity to really focus my attention on the present

9. You get to take your thoughts and ideas and bring them to life visually

10. Creating is never boring and always interesting

Best, David





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