Show up to as many sessions as you can:
Coaching Sessions
Empowerment Sessions
Lightning Critiques
In-Depth Critiques
If you miss a session, watch the replays.
If you attend a session and you are coached, critiqued or spoken with, watch the replay.
Participate in the Coaching and Empowerment Sessions
Be creating art throughout the program
Hit the deadlines for your critiques and for the group online exhibit
Take the best photography that you can of your work
Go back into/rework the pieces that get critiqued
Apply what you learn from your critiques to your other pieces
Take notes throughout (during Coaching and Empowerment Sessions & Critiques)
Learn from other people’s critiques (and apply what you learn to your own work)
Keep a journal with:
Notes from Coaching & Empowerment Sessions
Notes from Critiques (yours/others)
A-ha moments
Nuggets of inspiration
Ideas for paintings, series, techniques, etc.
Be open and receptive
Embrace the coaching and allow yourself to be coached
Stretch, reach and step outside of your comfort zone
Practice courage and bravery
Establish some realistic goals for the 12 weeks for yourself and your art
Use this program as inspiration and motivation
Have fun with it