THE CONFIDENCE TO FINISH Mindset, UncategorizedDavid LimriteNovember 3, 2013confidence, creativity, mindsetComment
YOU HAVE CREATIVE WORK TO DO UncategorizedDavid LimriteOctober 20, 2013artist, coach, create, creativity, drawing, habits, mindset, momentum, productivity, studioComment
YOUR CREATIVITY MATTERS (Part 1) UncategorizedDavid LimriteSeptember 22, 2013create, drawing, habits, mentor, mindset, momentum, motivation, painting, passion, productivity, studio, teacherComment
WHO IS YOUR AUDIENCE? UncategorizedDavid LimriteSeptember 8, 2013artist, courage, create, studioComment
BETTER CREATING WITH LESS STRESS Mindset, UncategorizedDavid LimriteAugust 25, 2013art, artist, attitude, create, creativity, curiosity, momentum, paint, painting, relax, stress, visionComment
WHERE DO MY IDEAS COME FROM? UncategorizedDavid LimriteAugust 11, 2013artist, create, creativity, ideas, inspiration, mindset, paint, painting, teacher, trustComment
IDENTIFYING YOUR SUBJECT MATTER Mindset, UncategorizedDavid LimriteJuly 28, 2013artist, drawing, figure, paint, painting, passionComment
FOCUS, ACTIVITY, ENERGY, MOMENTUM and RESULTS Mindset, UncategorizedDavid LimriteJuly 14, 2013art, artist, create, creativity, momentum, paint, studioComment
LIMITING IS NOT LIMITING Mindset, UncategorizedDavid LimriteJune 30, 2013creativity, mindset, studioComment